Teenage Pregnancy

If you’ve been following my twitter feed you know I have a new kitten.  Sally is her name, and she’s about 8 months old.

Martin volunteers for this cat rescue that primarily finds homes for older cats. I’ve helped out a few times as well.  The first week in September someone had called about a kitten that has been hanging out in their back yards, clearly not being taken care of by anyone.  They were in South Central LA.  Martin drove down late Friday night, Sept 5, caught the kitten and brought her back to his home in Hollywood.  He bathed her and fed her, and gave her a Capstar pill to get rid of all the live fleas (though that doesn’t kill the eggs).  She was very sociable, and hungry. The next day Martin took her to the Pet Co on LaBrea and 1st, where this orgranization has their weekly adoptions each Saturday (the Sunday group is a different org).  He called me up and said I need to come over to see this kitten.

Since Oscar died in June, Piggy has been very needy.  He was not doing well alone, so I knew I’d need to get another cat soon.  So I went to the pet adoption and checked her out.  June, the lady that runs this org, suggested that I foster the kitten for a while as they didn’t have anyplace to keep her at this time.  So I took her home, knowing that the odds of ever giving her up were small. I put her in Ivan’s bedroom, and at night, in Ivan’s bathroom with the cat carrier.  She seemed content.

The following Monday, Martin took the kitten to the vet where this org has an open account.  The vet said she was about 8 months old, in good health, had not been spayed, and was not pregnant. Since the following weekend I was traveling, and that Piggy had been neutered, we decided to wait a week or two to get Sally spayed.

Back at home, Piggy knew something was up immediately.  He kept trying to get into Ivan’s room.  So on the third day I allowed them to see each other.  There was some minor hissing, but generally things went well. Sally was a bit more territorial than Piggy.  Piggy really just wanted to be friends. Soon they both had free range of the house. There was some problems at meal times, but Piggy learned to wait until Sally finished.  But there were some tense moments when during the middle of the day Sally tried to keep Piggy away from the kibble. But I would put Sally in time-out in the bath tub and she quickly learned.

The following weekend I went on my trip.  Had a great time.  Got back this past Monday.  On Thursday, Martin came over and noted Sally was looking a bit chunky.  Yes she’s been eating a lot. (as if she were eating for 3 or 4 other kittens!)  We examined her more closely and sure enough, we think she’s pregnant. (At only 8 months!)  Her nipples were the most obvious sign, becoming well developed.  I suppose at this stage we’re not 100% sure, but I’d say it is very likely. I guess we’ll know for sure this week.

On Saturday, Martin mentioned all this to June at the cat rescue.  She said we needed to take her to the vet that afternoon and have her spayed and abort the kittens.  If we waited even a few days, she might be too far along to have the procedure done.  Well, first there was a very good chance that she was already too far along.  I had had her for 3 weeks now, and the person who had Martin come get her said they had seen her getting humped weeks before. But second, neither Martin nor I could choose to end the pregnancy.   Yes, we’re both very pro choice: Each individual must have the right to make that decision on their own, without undue outside influence. But I couldn’t make that decision, certainly not that afternoon.

June was not pleased. We’ll find homes for the kittens, we say.  But that just means there will be fewer homes for kittens already at the pound, she said. (I don’t think that’s completely true, because many of my friends with 2 cats aren’t going to be going to the pound to pick up a third, but may be willing to help me out and take one of these kittens.  (Expect to be hearing from me come January!)

But I must admit, both Martin and I are a bit excited to be having kittens. Both of us have memories of our cats having kittens when we were very young. Neither of us would intentionally breed our pets.  We know there are way too many that are put down because of lack of homes.  All our cats have been spayed or neutered in the past.  But this cat came into our life already preggers, and we want to enjoy the ride.  (Expect to see me start using Vine!)

With a 9 week gestation, birth should occur sometime between October 25 and November 7. Anyone want to start an office pool?

Piggy and Sally are getting along more and more.  Every morning when I wake up, Sally climbs onto my chest and starts suckling my t-shirt. (Still a kitten and already having kittens!) She especially likes the collar. I’ve fallen back asleep with her doing this. Today she did this for a while, then slid down to the bed between my arm and chest and continued to suckle.  Piggy also often cuddles up between my arm and chest.  He’s been wanting to cuddle up with her but she won’t let him.  So today when he saw her between my arm and chest, he got in there too, putting his butt up agains hers.  She was too busy suckling to notice. After about 10 minutes, she did notice and gently got up and moved.  Progress.